• motorcycle, corten, garage, seattle, corten

    The remodel of this existing warehouse in Seattle changed the use to a motorcycle garage, jewelry making studio, and crash pad. Photography by Ben Benschneider.

  • garage, dirtbike, seattle architect, dow built

    Open trusses on the lower floor were left exposed for motorcycle display. Materials were painted white to show off the bikes and collections.

  • vintage motorbike, skateboard, man cave, mr ed

    Everyone needs a place for their toys!

  • daylight, motorcycle, tools, grinding

    Overhead garage doors allow light to flood into the workshop.

  • workshop, man cave, moto, dirtbike, seattle architecture

    Garage doors open to a work yard for messy work.

  • billiards, trusses, plywood, interior design, animal skin

    A stair leads up to a jewelry making studio and living space. Trusses were exposed and left natural.

  • entertaining, seattle space, home architect, modern studio

    While the space serves multiple functions, it also allows the owners to display their collections. Materials are deliberately industrial and honest.

  • sliding door, bedroom, home archiect, toes

    Large sliding doors separate the main living space from the bedroom.

  • corten, gate, seattle architect, corrugated

    A second entry leads to the studio stair. The entire building was re-skinned in corrugated corten steel, to deliberately form a permanent rust finish.

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A modern industrial garage and studio remodel for a racer and a jeweler